Saturday about 500 juveniles showed up to Moody Park. They were loud, crude, using illegal substances and unruly. Information was received there would be a shooting. Fairview Heights Officers arrived and saw at least two juveniles getting ready to fight. They were prevented and Officers called for additional outside law enforcement to assist.

The Sergeant made the decision to close the park and force everyone to leave. As “preservation of life” is our highest priority this was the correct decision. At least 150 juveniles had to wait outside the park because they did not have transportation. Apparently, people/family/Uber had dropped them off.

The Fairview Heights Police Department will take a zero-tolerance approach to this type of behavior. Juveniles will be arrested. Parents will be charged with failing to supervise their children. Vehicles will be towed. Surveillance cameras are located in many places in the park and License Plate Readers are being installed.

OVER REACTION? The last big gathering a few weeks ago at Moody Park was also dispersed. They then went to a neighboring community and shot two people. Another set of them left racing through town and committed a shooting on I64.

One person approached an Officer and said he “did not normally agree with the police but fully agreed the juveniles were out of control and needed to be removed.” People have a right to bring their children to the parks and have a safe and enjoyable time. This issue is not specific to Fairview Heights but many communities in the area.

Help us keep our parks family friendly and safe for all.

Fairview Heights Police Department