Online Applications & Forms

House Check Request

Residents may sign up for a house check if they are going on vacation or will be away from their home for an extended period of time. Officers provide extra patrol and check the home on a daily basis.

By completing this form the requestor agrees to the following:

I authorize the Fairview Heights Police Department to have officers enter my property and visually inspect the house exterior. Should an open entry be found, I authorize the police to enter my house for further inspection. The police will endeavor to secure the house and contact the owner or person caring for the house who was listed on the house check form. I understand that this is a voluntary, free service and does not create a special duty upon the City. I understand that house checks will be performed as time and weather permits. By submitting this form, I am releasing the City of Fairview Heights Police Department of all liability and/or damages occurring during any house check(s).

Traffic Safety Complaint

Noticing consistent traffic violations? Fill out this form to help us investigate and find a solution.

"*" indicates required fields

This field is hidden when viewing the form
MM slash DD slash YYYY

(Not all the below questions will be able to be answered, but do the best you can.)

What day(s) of the week does this happen most?
Do you think the traffic safety speed trailer would help?
Do you want to be contacted by an officer?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

CCC (Crime Caught on Camera)

Turn Your Camera into a Crime-Fighting Tool

The Fairview Heights Police Department has started the Crime Caught on Camera (CCC) registration program for citizens and businesses.  This program is a great way to help deter and solve crime quickly, by partnering with the community to add more tools to our crime-fighting arsenal.

Citizens and businesses can register their personal security camera system with the department by filling out the form.  The program is completely voluntary, which keeps you in control of what you share.

When a crime happens, the program will make it more streamlined for an officer to locate surveillance footage by referring to the registry for cameras in the area.  Right now, an officer has to go door-to-door to try to locate camera systems and possible witnesses.

When you register, you will only need to specify where cameras are located on your property. Cameras can be doorbell, exterior, or interior that may capture outside footage.  If a crime happens in your area, you will be contacted by police for you to review your footage.  If video is located, then you can provide the saved video to officers.  We will never ask you to hand over your equipment, we will record the video on a thumb drive or ask you to email the footage to us.

Crime Tips

Help us fight crime in Fairview Heights

Submit an anonymous tip

Want to help solve a crime? Use the form (anonymously, if you choose) and let us know what information you have. You can help prevent and solve crime in our community. You can also submit a tip through the St. Louis Regional Crimestoppers by clicking here.

NOTE: This page is NOT for requesting an official report of an incident, nor for emergency situations. If you have an emergency, DIAL 9-1-1. If you require a report for an incident that is not an emergency, please contact (618) 489-2100.

  • If you have a video or photo you would like to upload, you can do so here.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 800 MB.

    Do Not Solicit List

    Fill out the form if you would like to be added to the Do Not Solicit List.

    8-2-5 EXEMPTIONS

    The following are exempt from obtaining a solicitor’s permit and from registering with the City;

    • Persons specifically invited to a residence or a commercial building by a competent individual prior to the time of the person’s arrival at the residence or commercial building.
    • Person delivering goods to a residence or commercial building pursuant to a previously made order, or persons providing services at a residence or commercial building to a previously made request by a competent individual.
    • Persons advocating or disseminating information for, against or in conjunction with any religious belief, or political position.
    • Those seeking to obtain from an occupant of any residence or business, an indication of the occupant’s belief in regard to any political or religious matter.
    • Those who canvas door to door.
    • Those who distribute handbills.
    • A person under 18 years of age, who is participating in a fund raising program for, or sponsored by, a public or private elementary, high school or bon-a-fide children’s organization, including, without limitation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or youth sports.
    • A person under 18 years of age, who is soliciting for services as an individual, not representing any firm, partnership, joint venture, association corporation, limited liability company, estate, trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate or other lawful entity, organization, society or association.
    • A charitable solicitor other than a charitable organization soliciting on City streets.

    Those who are exempt from obtaining a solicitor’s permit or from registering with the City, must comply with Articles 8-2-9.

    Citizen Compliment Form

    Had a positive interaction with an officer you would like to tell us about? Fill out this form to let us know.


    "*" indicates required fields

    This field is hidden when viewing the form
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    This field is hidden when viewing the form

    Employee Information

    Please identify the employee(s), if known, who you would like to thank.
    Officer #1 Name
    Officer #2 Name

    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Citizen Complaint Form

    Dear Citizen,

    The Fairview Heights Police Department strives to provide all persons with professional, courteous, respectful, and unbiased policing. As such, we accept and investigate complaints regarding the performance of our employees.

    In order to help you understand how the process of completing a citizen complaint proceeds, we offer you the following information:

    Q. How do I file a complaint against a police officer?
    A. We will investigate a complaint, regardless of how it was received. You may complain in person, by phone, by mail, by e-mail, or on the Police Department’s website.

    Q. Do I have to be the person who the police officer acted against to file a complaint?
    A. No. Anyone may file a complaint against a police officer, including witnesses, other family members, friends, or a representative for the person. An anonymous complaint will also be investigated.

    Q. Do you treat complaints differently depending on their seriousness?
    A. All complaints are investigated.  The manner it is treated is largely dependent on the severity of discipline the employee may face if the violation is established as having occurred.

    Q. If I just come in and talk to a supervisor about what happened to me, is that considered an official complaint?
    A. Not necessarily. Depending on the seriousness of the allegation, the supervisor may be able to satisfy your concerns by answering questions and clarifying the reasons for actions or behaviors of an officer. Very often, the citizen is satisfied after this meeting. If not, at the decision of the citizen, the allegation may proceed to a complaint to be investigated.

    Q. What happens when a complaint is filed?
    A. Once a complaint is filed, the Chief of Police will direct an appropriate inquiry to be made to determine if the actions of the officer were inappropriate.

    A supervisor or commander will be assigned to conduct the inquiry or investigation. This investigator will collect information and evidence as part of his fact-finding portion of the investigation. This may include further interviews with the complaining citizen, interviews of witness, interviews of officers, and review of recordings.

    Upon completion of the gathering of facts, a report will be made to the Chief of Police who will make determination if policies were violated. If policies were violated, the Chief shall determine what, if any, discipline is appropriate.

    Q. What happens when the internal investigation or inquiry is completed?
    A. Once the internal investigation or inquiry is completed, the facts gathered will be submitted to the Chief of Police for review. The Chief will then determine if a sustained violation of policy has occurred. If the Chief determines that a violation of policy occurred, the Chief will administer appropriate discipline against an officer. Dependent upon the severity of the violation, the Chief may report the conduct to the Illinois Police Training and Standards Board. 

    The complainant will receive notification from the Chief upon completion and the findings of the inquiry/ investigation. Allegations will be considered as sustained, not sustained, exonerated, or unfounded.

    Q. What is the difference between “sustained,” “not sustained,” “exonerated,” and “unfounded?”
    A. Sustained means the investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to establish that the act occurred and that it constituted misconduct.

    Not sustained means the investigation disclosed that there was insufficient evidence to sustain the complaint or fully exonerate the officer.

    Exonerated means the investigation disclosed that the alleged act occurred but that the act was justified, lawful and/or proper.

    Unfounded means the investigation disclosed that the alleged acts did not occur or did not involve department members.

    Q. What if I am not satisfied with the decisions of the Chief of Police?
    A. You may take any or all of the following actions:

    1. You are encouraged to meet with the Police Chief in person to discuss the matter further and to have your questions answered more fully.
    2. You may meet with the Mayor to discuss your concerns and further express your complaints about the police officer or department. The Mayor’s office can be contacted at 618-489-2000.
    3. If you believe that the actions of the police officer were criminal conduct, you may be able to make report to the Illinois State Police, 618-346-3990.
    4. If you believe the actions by the police officer were in violation of your civil rights, you may be able to make a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation 217-522-9675.
    5. You may also consider contacting organizations that work to ensure persons or treated justly and fairly by government employees. Two examples of these organizations are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

    File Complaint Online


    Under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140), records in the possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon request. The Act defines a public record as “all records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memorandum, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of any public body.

    Some records are, however, not subject to release via the FOIA process. These types of records are described under 5 ILCS 140, Sections 2.15, 7, and 7.5. Some records may also be subject to provisions imposed by other state statutes. The FOIA process for disclosure of information does not supersede other applicable statutory and judicial mandates.

    Pursuant to FOIA (5 ILCS 140/5), the Fairview Heights Police Department maintains the following records, created/maintained by employees of the Fairview Heights Police Department, which may or may not be releasable:

    Annual Reports


    Budget Information

    Crash Reports

    Criminal History Record Information


    Investigative Reports

    Payroll / Personnel Records

    Press Releases

    Purchase Orders and Contracts

    Training Records

    Uniform Crime Reports

    * All requests should be submitted in writing (this electronic submission does suffice), and should clearly state that he or she is seeking information pursuant to the FOIA. Further, the requestor should clearly describe the information being sought, and include full contact information for the requestor, including name, organization, mailing address, fax number, and telephone number. By law, our department is required to respond within five working days of receipt of the request. Extensions are allowed, with written notification to the requestor.

    Fairview Heights Police Department